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πŸ“£ NEWS πŸ“£

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VETERANS Back Online

πŸ“† [28/09/2024]

VETERANS Bot back online after being on schedule maintenance.

Remember that we have a Discord Server to stay tune and also if you need us.

  • πŸ› οΈ Version 0.3.0 released - New Fixes And Content
    You can view more details on PATCH NOTES section
  • VETERANS Back Online

    πŸ“† [23/08/2024]

    VETERANS Bot back online after being on schedule maintenance.

    Remember that we have a Discord Server to stay tune and also if you need us.

  • πŸ› οΈ Version 0.2.1 released - New Fixes | You can view more details on PATCH NOTES section
  • VETERANS Back Online

    πŸ“† [18/08/2024]

    VETERANS Bot back online after being on schedule maintenance.

    Remember that we have a Discord Server if you need us.

  • πŸ› οΈ Version 0.2.0 released - New Feature | You can view more details on UPDATES section

    πŸ“† [03/07/2024]

    I'm happy to announce the date for our discord bot named VETERANS publicly.
    Here is the date:

  • LAUNCH DATE: 05/07/2024
  • 🌟 UPDATES 🌟

    πŸ‘† Click to give a look to the updates


    πŸ“† [28/09/2024]

    = Discord Bot Update Log =

    • Bref Overview
    • This update is designed to enhance the overall user experience by improving existing features, resolving known issues, and introducing new functionalities.

      Significant changes include a redesign of the /help command for better accessibility, the addition of identifying emojis, and necessary adjustments to certain commands.

      Additionally, some FREE features have been transitioned to the PREMIUM pack to continue supporting our development efforts, ensuring safer moderation and enhanced protection for your Discord community.

      - Where to optain premium?
      Click me to go to the VETERANS Shop!

      - Want to know about VETERAN Premium?
      Click me! I will take you there.

    = Improvements =

    • Enhanced /help Command: The /help command now displays all commands organized by category.
    • It starts with FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), followed by FREE commands (accessible without VETERANS Premium), and concludes with PREMIUM commands (requires VETERANS Premium), ending with the VETERANS Credits section.

    • Command Enhancements: We have added emojis to some commands for easier identification. Additionally, logos have been updated for a few commands due to previous visibility issues or incorrect emojis.

    = Some Fixes =

    • /daily Command Fix: Fixed the /daily command to correctly enforce a 24-hour cooldown for claiming daily rewards.
    • This adjustment was necessary as the function was disabled during testing.

    • Internal Improvements
    • Various internal enhancements have been made to improve overall performance and stability.

    = Added functions And content/commands =

      New Commands:

      FREE Commands added:

    • /premium: Check or obtain premium status for your server.

    • PREMIUM Commands added:

    • /whitelist
    • Assigns the VETERANS Whitelist role, allowing users to bypass restrictions from the veterans-moderation rule.

    • /blacklist
    • Remove user's permission from ByPassing veterans-moderation on the server.

    • /role-manager
    • Creates essential roles for the VETERANS Bot. Currently supports whitelist-role creation.

      New Content

    • /help
    • Now includes a updated full list of commands.

    • /premium
    • Enhanced with dynamic responses based on your server's premium status.

      NOTE: The embed will turn green with a premium subscription, and red without it.

      Admin and Moderator Features(modmins):

      Designed for those with Administrator permissions to enhance server protection and moderation

      NOTE: The following commands requires Administrator permissions to work.

    • /whitelist
    • /blacklist
    • /role-manager

    • Premium Features Changes

    • autorole-disable
    • The remove-all option is now a premium feature.

    • automod
    • The veterans-moderation option is now a premium feature.

    • /clear
    • Options 10, 30, 50, 75, 100, clear_all are now premium features.

      NOTE: The 'amount' option from the command /clear remains free.

      Premium Commands

      The following commands require VETERANS Premium:

    • /whitelist
    • /blacklist
    • /role-manager
    • /automod veterans-moderation

    • The following options require VETERANS Premium:

    • /clear 10
    • /clear 30
    • /clear 50
    • /clear 75
    • /clear 100
    • /clear clear_all

    = Extra =

    • Feature Adjustments: This update includes modifications where some FREE features have been moved to the PREMIUM pack. This change is intended to encourage support, allowing us to continue enhancing Premium features. Our goal is to provide top-tier, safer moderation for Discord servers and protect your community from scam messages and not allowed NSFW content.

  • πŸ› οΈ Version 0.3.0 released - New Features

    πŸ“† [18/08/2024]

    = Discord Bot Update Log =

    • Bref Overview
    • This update focuses on enhancing user experience by improving existing features, fixing known bugs, and introducing new functionalities to make interactions more seamless.

    = Improvements =

    • Improved custom UI for /ping command
    • Now the /ping command has a different UI to see the bot pings

    • Improved /help command with simple and multiple functions and a nice UI
    • We hope you can visualise the information better

    • Improved the economy Commands when mentioning a rol or a bot when using the command
    • This improvement has been change to let the user know that bots doesn't have a profile if a bot is mentioned or if the mention was a role, now it will say the following: ⚠️ The mention is not a user. Please mention a user! ⚠️

    • Some others internal improvements has been done.

    = Some Fixes =

    • Fixed Level Up messages
    • When new level was optained and you received a notification, the notification wasn't getting deleted after it, so we made it to now be removed automatically withing 3.5 Seconds

    = Added functions And content =

    • Added permission to use the /clear command when the 'Manage Messages' permission is enabled, either on a role, a role in a channel, or just for a specific user in the channel.
    • If you have administrator privileges or if you're the owner of the guild, you won't be affected. However, if you want to grant someone the ability to remove messages using the /clear command without giving them full administrator privileges, you will need to enable this option either for the role, the role in the channel (which will allow everyone with that role to use the command), or just for the specific user in the channel.

      ⚠️ Please remember that this function could be potentially dangerous when used by many users, as it allows for the mass deletion of messages. Therefore, it is not a command that should be available to all users.

    • Added more functions to /clear command
    • 1- Added the option to: Delete specific amount of messages

      2- Added the option to: Delete all the messages withing 2 weeks from a discord channel by using: 'clear-all True' command

      3- Added few more options to delete either 10/30/50/75 or 100 messages by using the the command as the example: '/clear 10'

    • Added the command '/autoroles'
    • This allows you to check for the AutoRoles settled up on the server

    • Added new option 'remove-all' autoroles from the server to the command: '/autorole-disable'
    • Now you can remove either 1 role by using '/autorole-disable role: @role' or by using '/autorole-disable remove-all: True' command

    • Added self-delete function to command: '/autorole-setup'
    • Now you won't have to worry about deleting the message after using the command, the message will be automatically removed within 3.5 Seconds.

    • support for the guild owners, and administrators
    • Added '/automod' command with 4 subcommands to help you to fully setup the AutoMod rules on your discord server(guild)

    = Extra =

    • Most of the commands interaction have been changed from sending a message to the channel when interacting with it, to be a message that only the user that has done the interaction with the bot command can see, this is done by using the ephemeral option.

  • πŸ› οΈ Version 0.2.0 released - New Feature

    πŸ“† [05/07/2024]


    You can find it by typing VETERANS on the discord Applications search bars OR by the link: ADD VETERANS

  • πŸ› οΈ Version 0.1.0 released - Beta Launch

    πŸ‘† Click to give a look to the patch notes!!

    πŸ“£ VETERANS Bot Patch Notes

    πŸ“† [23/08/2024]

    = Improvements =

    • AutoMod
    • Improved the AutoMod filter from [veterans-moderation] removing some regex from the allowing list, and making that just the discords channels and gifs can be allowed.

    • Emoticons
    • Improved the commands adding some emoticons to it. Hope you like it πŸ˜„

    = Extra =

    • Some others internal improvements has been carried out.

  • πŸ› οΈ Version 0.2.1 released - New Fixes